The Ultimate Guide To Generate More B2B Sales Leads In 2020–2021

Sasha Berger
5 min readDec 3, 2020

B2B sales leads are a quality over quantity game and are classified as qualified prospects that salespeople can reach out to and convert into customers. Of course, most salespeople want a lot of leads coming in, but it’s not enough to simply have a number of B2B sales leads, they need to be qualified and interested in the product. So how does one maximize their chances of getting B2B sales leads? Well, the best lead generators in the game know the importance of mixing up your lead generation routine, to never just rely on one lead source. Keep reading for some tips and tricks on how to diversify your lead generating strategy, and prepare to let those B2B sales leads flow in.

1. Qualify your leads FIRST

As we said, the best leads are qualified. Qualifying a lead can happen through marketing efforts, cold-calling, or after some emailing, but should take place long before that, before a lead even hits your CRM, with a tool called Lusha for Owler.

Owler is a B2B website that holds key business information about every company you’d ever want to know about. Lusha for Owler works first by simply searching any company on Owler Then, Lusha will immediately find key lead-qualifying information at said company. Lusha for Owler finds you valuable data points such as company size, revenue, industry, and more. You’ll also have access to lists of employees at each company, making it easy to source multiple leads at once. With Lusha for Owler, you’ll be able to analyze the prospect and their company to decide whether or not they are the right fit for your product. Then, once you’ve made up your mind, you can then export the lead straight to your CRM of choice in just one click, including their personal contact information and company data points. And the best part is, your first 5 leads you find are completely free!

2. You have value, share it!

Once upon a time, it was widely assumed that buyers had all the value, they held the cash, and it was the salesperson’s job to just take it. Nowadays this is no longer the case, and it’s important to recognize that we salespeople have a lot of value and knowledge to contribute to our potential customers, which helps us to generate more B2B sales leads.

We’re talking about information that might help them convert from interested readers into paying customers. Anything from writing a blog post on a relevant topic, to posting valuable information on your LinkedIn page is going to help get your company’s name out there. Sharing valuable knowledge to potential customers will build brand awareness and familiarity, and is a great way to source high-quality leads. We recommend always including links to your website throughout your information and to create a call to action somewhere on the content source. That way, interested readers can click to learn more about your product and eventually convert.

3. One word: SEO

You hear the word thrown around a lot these days, but what actually is SEO? Short for search engine optimization, SEO is your one-way ticket to growth: more traffic, views, and eventually leads. If you have a website, SEO helps your site become more visible, driving more customers and opportunities to convert more sales. We recommend reading marketing genius Neil Patels’ step-by-step guide to SEO .

Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not recommending you to become an SEO wiz overnight or hire someone who is. What you should do is apply some of the basic rules of SEO to your website and blogs, such as keyword research, in order to open your website up to receive more traffic and B2B sales leads.

4. Don’t give up on cold-emailing

Many people shy away from cold-emailing, thinking it might be an old school outreach method that no longer converts. And while cold-emailing is one of the more old school lead generation methods, it still works! According to , “In 2020, the conversion rate of a cold email is 15.11%.” This figure is not too shabby when you realize that if your goal is to send out 200 cold emails, 30 of those recipients will convert. This means that by sending out one well-crafted and personalized cold-email, you’ll be able to fill up your pipeline with tonnes of quality leads! Which brings us to the next point…

5. Automate your emails

Email automation can transform your lead generation process. Sending out large volumes of cold-emails is extremely time-consuming. So, preplanned sequences are the best way to save you and your sales reps both time and money, plus they’re pretty easy to set up. You can integrate many email sequences with your , this will help to simplify and streamline your entire prospecting process. Here are some tips to remember when sending out automated cold-emails.

6. Chat em’ up

According to HubSpot, “When it comes to marketing, 83% of consumers prefer engaging with brands through their website.” Like we said earlier, leads can come from a range of different sources, and adding as many oars in the water is your best bet at getting the most B2B sales leads. You may be thinking that live chat is only used for customers who have already converted, but why not allow potential leads to ask questions and gain valuable information through live chat too? Live chat also allows you to track interested prospects for outreach. This gives your sales reps the upper hand because interested prospects who accessed your websites’ live chat will already have some familiarity with your company by the time a sales rep reaches out to them.

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Originally published at on December 3, 2020.

